Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Hello, it's been years.

 To anyone reading, perhaps you've stumbled upon this personal little blog.

Six years have passed since my last post. It's been a while.

What can I say? I've learned so much, met so many people, and undoubtedly have been maturing mentally, compared to my old self.

I have a new romantic interest, and I plan on marrying her. Hopefully this one will be the one where I succeed. Insha' Allah.

My hobby of writing has not been in jeopardy. In fact, I'm currently a content writer for ASEAN Youth Organization. I never thought writing can be so much fun!

I have an actual occupation now. I can start saving up and make Mom happy.

Alrighty, perhaps that's it for now. 

See you later!